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about us
Cardinal Shipping Services is a Recruitment and Talent Acquisition organization, offering Human Resources Outsourcing (HRO) services, ashore and overseas.
Cardinal Shipping Services has a broader hiring strategy. It involves developing a specific hiring strategy, talent or candidate relationship management, employer branding, creation of a talent pipeline, and finally, recruitment.
Cardinal Shipping Services provides recruitment services by process of identifying and acquiring skilled workers to meet your organizational needs. The Talent Acquisition Team is responsible for identifying, acquiring, assessing, and hiring candidates to fill open positions within the company.
We’re competitive, and our talent acquisition success is based on a combination of effective recruitment strategies, increased speed, and quality hiring processes, being more productive than others.

We understand the best picture of the current situation, especially an unexpected one, comes from the front line. Because front line employees are closer to the work than executive leadership, we are better positioned to recognize the potential failure and identify opportunities for improvement. A consistent concentration on processes leads to observations that inform decision-making and new operational initiatives.
We don’t sit back and wait for employees to report concerns. We create conditions for openness by communicating frequently and regularly with employees. We show respect for individuals by taking their concerns seriously and providing feedback when information is shared.
On a cruise ship, sports nutrition plays an important role in keeping guests energized and physically active. A comprehensive and varied diet ensures that guests enjoy their journey and maintain a healthy lifestyle even while on a cruise.
The company was founded on August 2, 2000 by Mrs. Sorina Adam, based on previous experience in shipping industry, starting out of the need to build a better world, and out of a desire to build a bridge between employers and employees, so that everyone can be pleased. Being an empathetic person, well balanced, and how to motivate people and/or encourage them, the only work to do was how to make them understand reciprocally.
Sorina has started to look for clients, achieving for signing contracts with ‘Jo Tankers’ Norway and ‘SHINWA’ Co. Japan. Making budgets and running costs, we began to work for Echo Shipping AS Norway, provided Manning Services for three AHTS ships. We succeed with no failures, and all parties happy: no delays on crew change, fixing rotation period, stability for and in the company, reducing running costs for many years.
In 2003 we was authorized by Romanian Naval Authority in the first 13 Crewing Agencies from Constanta.
Later, we worked for Festival Cruises, Royal Olympic Cruises, and Pullmantur Cruises. We’ve recruited various positions on board, from Deck & Engine Personnel to Hotel/Restaurant, and SPA Personnel. In the background, we worked hardly, being focused 16 hours a day, fully dedicated to perform a well done job with inspiration and vitality by setting standards of excellence of our team.
We have faced many challenges that test our capacity of decision, sometimes instantly, going through stages of changes (I.M.O. and I.L.O. Regulations, S.T.C.W., as well in Romanian legislation), we changed the Recruitment process, evolving towards transformation of life, technology, companies’ standards, candidates, gaining access to ‘Norwegian Cruise Line’, the third biggest Corporation in Cruise industry.
Working as Hiring Partner of ‘Norwegian Cruise Line’ since June 2010, influences us to change the course for the approach of Recruitment process, implementing new strategies and procedures, to recruit to the highest standards in execution and business performance.
We have extended recruitment for ‘Norwegian Cruise Line Holding’, (additional ‘Oceania Cruises’ and ‘Regent Seven Seas’). We got Certification by Bureau Veritas with congratulations. Yearly, we received Congratulations from the company, being their best Hiring Partner all over the World.
In 2015 we’ve started recruitment for ‘Princess Cruise Line’ (part of ‘Carnival Corporation’, the biggest Group in Cruise Industry). Therefore, Sorina Adam, experienced new challange, managing a new revolutionary period, setting new practices which become the basis for managing the next period of evolutionary growth. Interestingly enough, these new practices eventually sow the seeds of another period of evolution. We can term ‘periods of revolution’ because they typically exhibit an upheaval of management practices. We choose stability, to be successful and remain in business, even if the profitability and growth are important and necessary for a company to survive.
We achieved to build careers of many seafarers, grew up from beginner to the Officer’s highest rank. First, we identified their goals, going deeper and make an in-depth introspection between their inner desires and rational goals; helping them to create a professional, neat resume, becoming aware of their strengths; training them to assume full responsibility of their life, rising their standards, and branding their names constantly, with effort, patience and credibility.
By contrast, between paying close attention to detail, procedures, tests and interviews, processing documentation, records, handling checks, time schedule, finding creative solutions to the daily challenges, maintaining a professional environment, our team creates funny memories.
The most challenging move made by Mrs. Sorina Adam in 2019, was to transfer business online – ‘e-Recruitment’, with ample pre-planning and thorough management to tackle these challenges effectively, starting to train Ms. Alexandra Matei in the management of the company.
With all those difficulties, smiles and frowns, it was finally time to move ahead. For the most part, it is good news – moving the business online, the place to extend business: growth of business is essentially an expansion, making the company bigger, increasing its market and ultimately making it more profitable. It does, however, come with its fair share of challenges.
Human Resources knowledge and executive management experience of Mrs. Sorina Adam, combined with organizational skills and self-confidence, sense of humor, vision, negotiation, and effective problem-solving skills, adding value to the Company’s operation.
Building a successful career takes time, effort, and patience. If we’re willing to sacrifice some free time and we’re willing to get out of our comfort zone, we will succeed. It’s not that hard, honestly. It just takes courage and commitment to follow everything that we’ve targeted.
team management
Sorina Adam
Founder, General Manager, and the Majority Shareholder
Sorina Adam is a HR Manager and Talent Acquisition Specialist, entrepreneur with over 20 years of executive leadership experience, with International Certification of Human Resources Management and Communication by London School of Business and Communication, Certified Trainer in accordance with the provisions of STCW Code, Section A I/6 para 3, Bachelor’s Degree of Economics Engineering and Management, and Master’s Degree of Maritime Law. Knowledge, skills, abilities, self-image, traits, mindsets, feelings, and ways of thinking achieved a high performance that created reasonable impact on business outcomes, her competency comprising in:
- Human Resource Expertise
- Relationship Management
- Consultation
- Leadership in Crew Management and Staff
- Communication
- Global and Cultural Effectiveness
- Ethical Practice
- Critical Evaluation
- Business Acumen
Alexandra Matei
HR Manager, Talent Acquisition Manager, Assessor/Trainer, and Shareholder
The company’s mission and vision are expanded by Ms. Alexandra Matei, with Bachelor’s Degree in Economic Engineering in Transport from Maritime University of Constanta, Master’s degree in Entrepreneurship, Business Engineering and Management (English studies) at University ‘Politehnica’ Bucharest, and certified for International Human Resources Management and Communication from London School of Business and Communication.
Alexandra is Authorized Representative of the Marlins Approved Test Centre, and Certified Trainer in accordance with the provisions of STCW Code, Section A I/6 para 3.
Alexandra is adding value to our company by speaking, writing, reading English, Korean, and Japanese, average French and German. With over four years experience in Recruitment, Alexandra shows that is collaborative, works hard and has important qualities:
- Is Positive, Enthusiastic and Cultivating the Joys of Working in a Group;
- Having a Vision and Communicating It;
- Shows Analytical skills;
- Having Intellectual Resources;
- Shows Managerial Courage;
- Shows Leadership and Inspiring Others;
- Surrounding Oneself Well;
- Shows empathy.
legal structure
Cardinal Shipping Services S.R.L. is a private limited liability company with two shareholders, registered to Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, and European Union VAT identification number.
Cardinal Shipping Services is authorized for Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers by Romanian Naval Authority (2003), and certified MLC, 2006 (2013) by Bureau Veritas. Additional, has implementing Quality Management System standard ISO 9001:2008 (2013), and upgrading with ISO 9001:2015 by Bureau Veritas.
our mission
Cardinal Shipping Services is responsible for developing employer branding and communicating that brand to potential candidates. Branding is clearly giving candidates an understanding of company culture, its reputation, key differentiators between competitors, and its services.
Our job is to make sure that we build a better world, making progress, and giving a source of inspiration and vision for the future!
Culture is the foundation for our vision and strategy. We have five key principles, which are essential to any improvement initiative to succeed: deference to expertise, reluctance to simplify, sensitivity to operations, commitment to resilience and preoccupation with not to fail, applying cause and effect philosophy.
From the job posting to the employment, e-Recruitment is the solution to streamline the entire process. We relocate time and resources for prioritizing the development of talent and the strengthening of our candidates’ morale. Having the right tools and implementing the e-Recruitment, we saved costs and time to attract specialists, who drive for growth and productivity into the Hiring Company.
Online recruitment is easily accessible to individuals, making it a more effective method by an easy and simple hiring process.

- Identify candidates who are likely to provide an excellent culture fit;
- Find/Create new roles if a compelling candidate is available in the market;
- Assess passive candidates for possible roles in the organization;
- Position of the company as a ‘preferred employer’ to young professionals, building an uninterrupted talent pipeline.
We are posting job openings on multiple social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google page), and we schedule online interviews immediately.
career opportunities
In addition, our team is responsible for retaining essential employees and developing and maintaining morale among the labor force.
If you already have your dream employer in mind, apply to our company, there’s a chance you’ll find just the opportunity that you’ve been waiting for.
We offer opportunities for Deck & Engine Department, with rotation contracts: 3/3, 4/2 or in Workteam Squad (AB, OS, Wipers, Welders, Mechanics, Electricians, Carpenters, Plumbers, Joiners, etc) for projects of 1-2 months with extension.
We offer opportunities for Hotel and Restaurant Department: Purser, Front Desk, Waiters/Waitress, Barman, Rooms Division, Guest Services, Galley and Beverage, HR Manager, Public Health Officer (Disease Surveillance, Prevention and Control of Infectious illnesses, Food Safety, Potable & Recreational Water Safety, etc), and many other positions. If you’re looking for professional help in your job search, send your CV and you will have a free of charge consultancy.
A seismic change in how people view work and the meaning work brings to their lives, lead people to consider resigning from their roles, and leaving their roles for a change.
Doctors, Nurses, and Healthcare Assistants (Medical Staff) can bring changes with our company, where you will:
- Feel valued
- Feel a sense of belonging among caring and trusted colleagues
- Have a great potential to grow professionally
- Have the flexibility to integrate work with your personal life
- Have the highest-paying and benefits, working 4 (four) months on board and having 2 (two) months vacation.
Onboard the cruise ship, the Emergency Medicine Specialist clinical lead and rapid 24 hour a day access to over 20 clinical sub-specialties through a US-based telemedicine service. Carnival Corporation (Carnival Cruises, Princess Cruises, Holland America, P&O Cruises, and Seabourn Cruises) pride themselves on operating a medical service based on best-practice shipboard protocols and procedures which form the core quality standards for their international healthcare accreditation program.

applying for job
Your job application package is the very first way you present yourself, and so it is very important that you do it correctly.
Here, we’ll define the job application process and define the six easy and effective steps to take to apply for a job you want:
- Apply by our website application, attaching your CV with photo and, preferably, your last Appraisal/Recommendation Letter. Or, sending your CV and last Appraisal/ Recommendation Letter directly to our E-mail address [email protected], writing at the Subject: your full name and position/positions desired. It’s important that the information included in the CV is thorough and accurate, completed with your entire experience (sea and land work experience), describing with details (i.e. automatization, ECDIS type, PM, etc), but brief description of your professional experience/skills. If you are not contacted within 24 working hours, please make a phone call to us, to be sure that we have received your E-mail;
- We will schedule you for an online interview using Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Skype (the one which is more familiar to you);
- We will need your copies of documents, scanned in PDF file, with high quality but compressed volume, sent only by E-mail (for security reasons of your personal information);
- After screening, we are submitting to the Hiring Company (third party), to perform a Hire Interview or a Modern Hire OnDemand Interview (we will prepare you for that);
- After approval – It means you’ve got the job, but you have to wait from 1 to 3 months to join the ship. It is important to complete your file for the hiring process and to get your Crew ID (C1D Visa, Medical certificate NIS or Bermuda Flag, and Marlins Test for Cruise Ship Staff), which is the guarrantee of your employment. It’s the time when you start training (online). For some Managerial positions, there is a special program – training and mentoring – where you will be paid with normal wages during the course;
- Once you will be assigned on board the ship, you will receive all joining documents. We wish you succes on your cruise ship career!
Apply for a job
Use of English language on board is mandatory for seafarers globally. STCW Convention and IMO requirements stipulate the need for seafarers to communicate in English language respectively. In response to the seafarers English training needs, Marlins have developed range of products designed for assessment of English Language.
There are three different English Language Tests targeted at specific industries, which we provide, as Marlins Approved Test Centre:
- ICS Marlins (for all seafarers – their ability to communicate in English – a necessity that has been given additional emphasis by the ISM Code and the revised STCW Convention);
- Cruise Ship Staff (specific for Cruise Industry);
- Offshore Workers (specific for Offshore Industry – Oil and Gas).
Our range of proctoring is offering you the option for having your test from home ‘online proctoring’ (by webcam video and the entire screen are recorded during the test).
We help you with:
(1) Certification in compliance with Marlins English Test assessments approved by Maritime & Coastguard Agency UK (MCA);
(2) If you fail the Test, we offer you a second chance, free of charge, within 24 hours, or
(3) Re-evaluation for raising your score with 50% discount within 24 hours;
(4) The Letter of Spoken English is an optional module of the English level test. You will have 10 minutes speaking and writing, who asses your skills in English conversation, and you don’t have extra charges.
(5) The English Language Test will be provided with a Certificate of Proficiency in English with NO expiration date, and a Letter of Spoken English (only if you are asking for this module), as most of the companies are required;
(6) A reprinted Certificate of Proficiency in English and English Language Test once, free of charge. For the seafarers registered in our database, we offer unlimited reprints, free of charge.
You can easily request a Marlins Test save yourself time, having certification in 60 minutes. Anyone wishing to have a Marlins Test before they seek an employment or already have assignment on-board the ship.
The type of test you’ll need will depend on the ship’s type and the position you are applying for, and the position you will be assigned once you’re on-board.
If you are going on-board the commercial fleet, you need ICS Marlins Test. If you’re going on-board the cruise ship, you will need Marlins Test for Cruise Staff, and if you are applying for Offshore Industry, a Marlins Test for Offshore is required, for managerial position, operational, rating, or auxiliary personnel.
You can choose to perform a Marlins Test at our office or online proctoring. Due to pandemic, we would prefer online proctoring type. Online Proctoring is fully configurable by the test sponsor.
First, a test-taker will snap a picture of themselves and then their photo ID. This will be reviewed later by the test administrator. Next, the test-taker will answer a series of “challenge” questions to further verify their identity.
Once this process is complete, the test-taker have the possibility to pratice the test and automated proctoring technology takes over – monitoring the test from start to finish. At the end of each proctoring session, a full video of the exam, will be posted in our dashboard for review by the test administrator. Is taking up to 20 min until the test is validated by MCA. After test validation, we will issue the Test Results, a Certificate of Proficiency in English, and a Letter confirming that you speak English, for a 10 min more of English testing – speaking and writing (on request for no charges).
Request a Marlins Test writing your personal details, and options, as required by the application on the website. We will contact you shortly, to confirm the purchase, and convenient time for performing the test. You will receive the Invoice by email, and after payment, we will generate the License code as you purchased.
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In order to fulfil the needs of today’s maritime expansion, we will offer intensive, short-term, specialized courses for cruise ships, yachts, including the use of software for Hotel and Restaurant personnel onboard the cruise ships.
We offer assistance and support to the registered companies from Romania, by reorganizing, optimizing collection operations and debt rescheduling through direct negotiation with customers, business development and maximizing potential.
Oferim asistenta si suport companiilor inregistrate in Romania, prin reorganizare, optimizarea operatiunilor de incasare si esalonarea datoriilor prin negociere directa cu clientii, dezvoltarea afacerilor si maximizarea potentialului.
Business administration in the absence of the administrator;
Support for business recovery, reorganization and development;
Assistance for mediation and renegotiation of contracts, debt rescheduling and cost reduction;
Human Resource Management: the outsourcing of HR helps to streamline significant HR activities, such as compliance, payroll and employee administration. When companies outsource HR services, they certainly get more time to focus on profits and other activities.
Administrarea afacerilor in lipsa administratorului;
Suport pentru redresarea, reorganizarea si dezvoltarea afacerilor;
Asistenta pentru medierea si renegocierea contractelor, esalonarea datoriilor si scaderea costurilor;
Managementul Resurselor Umane: externalizarea serviciilor de resurse umane ajută la eficientizarea activităților de resurse umane semnificative, cum ar fi respectarea, salarizarea și administrarea angajaților. Atunci când companiile externalizează serviciile de resurse umane, cu siguranță obțin mai mult timp pentru a se concentra pe profituri și alte activități.
Staff recruitment in any field;
Counseling on the management of human resources policies and procedures;
Assistance for mediation and renegotiation of contracts, debt rescheduling and cost reduction;
Analysis of the company’s current HR programs and recommendations with viable solutions;
Presentation of training sessions related to specific HR programs;
Employment documents operation / processing (Revisal), conclusion of employment contracts, decisions, issuance of employment certificates, preparation of retirement files, etc.
Recrutare personal in orice domeniu;
Consilierea privind administrarea politicilor și procedurilor de resurse umane;
Analiza programelor de resurse umane actuale ale companiei și recomandari cu soluții viabile;
Prezentarea sesiunilor de instruire legate de programe specifice de resurse umane;
Operare/procesare documente de angajare (Revisal), incheieri contracte de munca, decizii, eliberare adeverinte de angajare, intocmirea dosarelor de pensionare etc.

contact us
Mailing Address:
Cardinal Shipping Services S.R.L.
str. Miron Costin nr. 36, 900682,
Constanta – Romania
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